What are dictionaries in python?

Exploring the structured data concept

What are dictionaries in python?
Photo by Yoko Saito / Unsplash
This is part of an on-going series in python basics. Check the coding 101 article tag index from time-to-time for more content.

In prior articles, we've discussed some techniques for storing data in python; concepts like lists and simple variables. Today, I want to unpack another concept: dictionaries. What are they and how do they work? Don't worry - I'll keep this fairly brief 😄.

Dictionaries are a fundamental data structure in python and very useful. They work very similar to physical dictionary. Anyone remember those?

Photo by Joshua Hoehne / Unsplash

A printed dictionary groups information together. It allows the reader to lookup a word and see its definition. In a programming mindset, we can think of this a Key-Value pair. The key is used to help the reader locate the associated value. If it helps, you can also visualize this as a table:

Key Value
Lightsaber Super cool sword
Coffee Beverage providing energy

The syntax for a dictionary in python looks like this: {Key: Value}

So continuing the example from earlier, a dictionary in python would look like this:

{"Lightsaber": "Super cool sword"}

That's just one entry though. You can add multiple entries by adding comma-separate pairs:

"Lightsaber": "Super cool sword",
"Coffee": "Beverage providing energy",

OK, so that's all well and good... but why is this useful? What makes python dictionaries helpful? Basically it boils down a few compelling advantages:

  • Efficient data retrieval
    • Dictionaries use hash tables behind the scenes which results in very fast retrieval of data based on keys.
    • Code can be more concise because you can access data directly using keys.
  • Organization and flexibility
    • Dictionaries are, by their nature, structured. So this makes it easy to store a variety of data (e.g. strings alongside integers, booleans, lists, etc).